Dental Translation Services- dental equipment
Dental Translation Services
Our dedicated Dentistry Unit at Paspartu focuses exclusively on this sub-field of Medical Technology, employing qualified Subject Matter Experts with a degree and relevant translation experience in the dentistry field.
Moreover, Paspartu will build a glossary with your key technical terminology related to dental translation and make sure to incorporate, process and maintain this glossary with our Translation Memory technologies.
While most dental instruments are not affected by the new Medical Devices Regulation, there are certain types of dental equipment that do fall under the changes of the new regulation, and this also impacts translation requirements.
MDR impact on dental translation
The new MDR requires dental technology producers to update their IFUs and Labelling, and translate the updated content accordingly. Also, the translation vendor is assigned a more significant role, as it is now categorized as a Critical supplier and specific auditing procedures have to be applied in order to qualify your translation partner.
Dental Translation Expertise
At Paspartu we have specific expertise in: