Translation of IFUs for Medical Devices
IFUs (Instructions for Use) for medical devices are a vital document for the medical industry. They contain detailed information on how to use and maintain a certain device, instrument, software or in-vitro diagnostics device (IVD device).
Professionals in the healthcare industry, doctors, nurses and medical technicians are the target audience employing IFUs, as they handle the equipment or device in a hospital or clinical setting.
Therefore, professionals rather than patients/ lay people should understand the language used in IFUs .
On the contrary, in the case of digital medical devices for remote or home-use by lay patients, the language employed in IFUs is simple, straight-forward and with no difficult medical jargon.
Translation of IFUs requires acuracy, precision and consistency of terminology.
Specifically, knowledge of the certain medical sub-fields combined with high quality control standards in translation will achieve these imperatives.
Last but not least, at the end of the translation process Paspartu will issue a Certificate of Translation Accuracy, to attest to the above. This certificate is usually required by auditors or regulatory bodies.
Dedicated medical translation team covering 40 languages
Our medical team at Paspartu can help you solve all challenges related to the translation and localization of your IFUs in as many as 40 European and Asian languages, through a complete range of linguistic solutions:
IFUs translation should meet high standards of precision, accuracy and clarity of terminology
IFUs play a vital role in the proper and safe use of a medical device. Therefore, IFUs translation should only be handled by experienced native medical translators and Subject Matter Experts.
Moreover, translation of IFUs for medical devices should comply with strict confidentiality & security requirements that only professional, 17100 ISO certified translation agencies can secure.
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