Legal Translation
Legal translation- Paspartu specializes in accurate legal, court and patent translations using only legal professionals and translators with a relevant legal background.
Our legal document translation services include certified and official translations.
Through its Legal, Court and Patent Translation Department Paspartu serves attorneys, paralegals, law firms, notary offices, corporations, public bodies, and legal professionals by providing litigation support services in the following (but not limited to) practice areas:
We guarantee total quality of the documents we deliver as we continue to provide customer service long after the translation is over. If for any reason you require small changes to be done to your documents, these will be implemented free of charge, or for an agreed small fee in case of more extended modifications.
Highly Accredited Legal Translators
Paspartu has been accredited with the prestigious ISO 17100 certification as well as the DIN EN 15038. This means that we operate in a secure, safe and quality certified environment, delivering accuracy and terminology consistency in all your legal documents.
Issues when Translating Legal Documents
Certified Legal Translation Services
Legal systems are different in every country, and a legal document will only be deemed relevant if it has the correct form of certification.
Official Translation Services
Paspartu provides official translations in all major languages. Official or notarized translations must be an accurate, exact and complete translation of the source and will only be accepted by the authorities if they include the translator’s name and signature, thus certifying the document’s validity before the courts and/or other authorities. We are experienced in delivering first class official translations across the world. Our translations are accepted by Courts of Law, the Home Office and many other government agencies.
Patent Documents
Over the last 16 years our translation company has mustered the complex field of patents and intellectual property. Clients include:
Patent Translation Teams: We only use professionals with expertise in the patent subject matter (software, medical, engineers, pharmacologists etc) to perform the translation, and editors who are professional experienced translators in their native language to ensure the quality of the translation. Our production methodology together with the high caliber patent team we employ, ensures:
Patent Language Technology: We handle and process documents regardless of format: electronic editable file, fax, scanned PDF, hardcopy. Our technology infrastructure ensures that the patent is ready for use with translation memory software. This way we can create databases of all of the translation done for the customer and thereby offer greater consistency among related patents, so that we can deliver faster and more cost effective.
Translation quality is an important parameter in this translation field- check here how Paspartu ensures strict translation standards for all projects and languages alike- https://www.paspartutranslations.com/translation-quality-2/
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