Localization services in 40 languages
Localization services make a product linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale (country/region and language) where it will be used and sold.
It is not by chance that major companies listed in Forbes’ most successful 100 companies give special attention to website, social media and product localization. They understand the value of partnering with a translation agency able to secure increase of product visibility and localized branding for their target markets.
Game, website, e-shop, e-learning (courses and training) and software localization are amongst the most popular localization services we offer at Paspartu.
We go beyond simply translating your text into transcreation; our processes includes adaptation to a variety of parameters such as language, cultural norms, as well as local standards, making your product specific to particular markets.
Our localization services adapt information referring to:
Localization also plays a special role in culture sensitive markets with various taboos and fixed social norms, such as Arabic speaking countries- Paspartu has created specialiazed teams to handle localization for these markets as well.
Global developments and changes drive companies to adopt new ways of communicating and promoting themselves. The creation of multilingual websites is on the rise, with large multinational companies and top 50 Forbes companies to employ localization mostly to secure international visibility and increase customer base.
Ask our Localization team to share our White Paper entitled “6 reasons why you should create a multilingual website.” https://www.paspartutranslations.com/white-papers-2/
We work on your localization projects in 2 stages:
– project analysis to create a project plan,
– then merge the source software into translatable format
Here you can find some useful tips about where Localization fits in your customer buying journey: