Quality Cross Check (QCC) is our internally devised translation Quality Check tool

Using QCC (Quality Cross Check), you can check & amend translation quality, plus rank your translation vendors.

All companies that receive a translation project should have a mechanism in place to check the quality and terminology of the texts received from their translation vendors. Some clients have in-house resources for this, while others check with their local distributors. However, many companies have no means to check the translations received for some or all of the languages they need, or they pay too much for this service.

Our solution is a simple, cost and time effective one – QCC. Just imagine -for a project of 30.000 words, you will receive an independent report and quality grade within 24 hours, and for a cost of less than 150 eur.

What is QCC and how it helps your business grow:

  • smart, independent tool for measuring & improving the quality of  your running translation projects, whether accomplished by your in-house team or by another provider

  • helps you rank and assess your translation vendors and take informed decisions about continuing with a vendor or replacing them

  • quality control platform incorporated in our standard translation procedure, to complete the translation and proofreading stages

  • non-biased check using a smart mix of technology precision and human decision

  • intelligent selection of relevant text segments for check, thus saving important time and resources

  • global relevance as to the quality level of the entire text

  • performed by native Quality Assurance Managers, taking into account 20 factors such as:
    accuracy, language conventions, terminology compliance, style and register, cultural references, compliance with client/ project instructions

  • objective ranking of errors and of vendors

  • linked with translation memory for each client, for all submitted projects, meaning that important word count savings will be accomplished as your translated volume increases

  • brand and product identity preservation across languages by enforcing consistent terminology 

Please request a full presentation of our QCC at info@paspartu.gr, or send us your document for a QCC / full translation quote!
