Quality Cross Check (QCC) is our internally devised translation Quality Check tool
Using QCC (Quality Cross Check), you can check & amend translation quality, plus rank your translation vendors.
All companies that receive a translation project should have a mechanism in place to check the quality and terminology of the texts received from their translation vendors. Some clients have in-house resources for this, while others check with their local distributors. However, many companies have no means to check the translations received for some or all of the languages they need, or they pay too much for this service.
Our solution is a simple, cost and time effective one – QCC. Just imagine -for a project of 30.000 words, you will receive an independent report and quality grade within 24 hours, and for a cost of less than 150 eur.
What is QCC and how it helps your business grow:
Please request a full presentation of our QCC at info@paspartu.gr, or send us your document for a QCC / full translation quote!